Save Festival Meadow

Festival Meadow is a unique and pastoral gem that sits across from the iconic Sun Valley barn. The meadow is an intrinsic part of the Gateway to Sun Valley, a unique open space that must be protected and preserved - not developed by the City.

Once developed, this majestic gateway space would be forever changed and altered. Why is the City so eager to contradict its plan and develop pristine open space?

Let Sun Valley politicians and officials - the City Council, the Mayor, and the City Administrator - know you support keeping this rare property unpaved, undeveloped, and protected in perpetuity.

“One of the City’s primary strategies to ensure public access to open space…is to conserve open space in perpetuity through permanent easements.”

Objective 1.4: “Protect, conserve, and preserve open space in perpetuity.”

— City of Sun Valley Comprehensive Plan

Join us to help save this special space.

We are Sun Valley residents, taxpayers, and homeowners. We invite anyone who loves Sun Valley and appreciates this community and its open space to sign the petition and be part of our Coalition.